Superman vs Krishh

Ok just last weekend watched both these superhero movie back to back and I couldn't stop but comparing these two movies.
First Krishh. As the first Indian superhero movie seriously made it has been a commendable job. With the budget and viewer ship limitation that Indian movies have it is a very well made movie. Our super hero falls in love and first half goes by with him singing and dancing. Second half is where our hero is exposed to the outside world and realizes the old saying "With great powers come great responsibilities". He saves some kids, gets his love, saves his father (who strangely has lost all his powers), kills the bad guy. A typical Indian movie.
Superman: Man this guy has lot many more powers than our Krish. The movie is very well made with the Plane crash shot in the beginning setting the tempo for the movie. The movie is a typical big budget Hollywood movie. What less can one expect?
Both the movies exploited the emotional sides of our super heroes.
Lot of room has been left for the sequels in both the movies and will eagerly wait to see the sequels.


Amit said…
One thing that did separate the two movies was the budget. You just can't compare the two on that parameter.
Superman being in range upwards of 200 million dollars and our Krish being parltry <10 million dollars.
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