Gandhigiri Works .Seriously?

Atleast it's back in fashion. Our father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi would be a very happy man today after all these tormenting years for his soul .His beliefs were forgotten and what remained was his picture. We got so used to seeing thm on walls , roads and currency that it was all but ignored and was taken for granted. We had forgotten what he really preached.

What he preached was not only non violence. It was more than that. He preached unity. He knew that the country was soo divided that the only way forward was to first unite the country.

In history you will find many instances where a violent struggle had been succesfull. Take the instance for American War of Independence
against the British. But that can only happen when the whole country realizes a common enemy.

I am not sure to what extent it helped us get independnce , but sure it united the people of this country.


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