ICC's Super Eight Predictions

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Matches to watch out :

Sat 31 Mar A1 v B2
(Australia v India)

Sun 15 Apr B2 v D1
(India v Pakistan)

Considering the long steak of poor performances by the minows it was an easy task to decide the super eight schedule. May be this acts as a boost for them(minnows) and few of them upset super eight setting.


Amit said…
ICC removed that part
Perestroika said…
u talked about minnows upsetting major teams, looks like a lot of it is happening. and with pak loosing to ireland and crashing out of the WC [:))))] and india with their backs to the walls, looks like the ICC prediction was a super dud!!!!!
Amit said…
haha..u seem very happy that pak is out:)) .. me too just that now there won't be any india pak encounter :((
Perestroika said…
infact for me atleast its not so bad that there would be no ind pak encounter, indias undefeated record against pak in WCup will exist safely for another four years.

BTW just came to know about bob woolmers death, this is certainly tuning out to be a real shocker world cup.

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