10 things a swimming teacher would tell you

1. Breathe , breathe , breathe. Keep breathing , never hold breath as it will make your body stiff and make you get tired easily.

2. Keep you body straight when swimming. Most people have either their have a U shape or their legs are falling down. Both will cause you to loose balance.

3. When doing back stroke , point your head at 45 degree in front

4. Free style. Try to maintain balance and keep legs close. Make a nice circle with your hands. hands should fall gently onto the water.

5. Breast stroke . Push your legs as if pushing against a wall. In this case water is the wall around you. It pushes you in front. Hand and leg movement is done alternately. If done together body will go down.

6. Butterfly - Move your body like a wave. Hands should move in a S Shape.

7. When breathing , focus on breathing out. Breathing in happens naturally.
70% inside water and rest outside.

8. Legs should move very close to each other. Ideally just touching when moving up and down. Just inside water ,not outside as to sprinkle water onto others.

9. For beginners. Floating is very important and their body should be straight. Legs should not be falling down. Legs and hands straight. Bubbling also helps as it helps to get comfortable inside water.

10. Back Stroke hand movement. It very important that you properly move your hands to maintain balance. Its similar to free style with one small difference. You doing up side down So hand movement becomes more important to help you maintain right balance.


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