
Bangalore is a name that has acquired global importance. Its the face of India .It has also brought wealth and prosperity to many (but not for those who were ‘bangalored’).
I was just 7 yrs old when I first visited Bangalore. It was the garden city of India. And now after fifteen years I came back. But this time not as a visitor, but for work. I am working in an IT company (like many) and earning my livelihood here. But it was a big disappointment for me when I saw Bangalore .It has given a heavy price for being the IT center of India.

It is perfect example of what other metro cities had been witnessing for so many years. The influx of non natives. Who come here the opportunities that a city life has to offer. The government has failed badly in coping to this pressure. The infrastructure has been badly neglected.

My stay at Bangalore has seen many up and downs. One of the nightmares had been finding a good place to live. Being a north India and that too a Punjabi had me searching for a good north Indian restaurant. Being a veggie was also a disadvantage. But it has been all about scores of sagars (Udupi Sagar, Krishna Sagar, Shiv Sagar, Sukh Sagar, Shanti Sagar, Sri Sagar, and many more) which as there name had the same food to offer with no variety.

But after all this, I think I have started liking the city, because of its warm people, good climate and most importantly a very modern outlook of people of Bangalore.


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