Why socialism sucks?

Recently I was reading a book called India Unbound by Gurcharan Das.It really hit me hard when I learned some blunders committed by our great leaders .These blunders have left us backward even 50 years into independence. I was always skeptical about the so called socialism practiced by communists. But the book really reinforces my belief that it was one of the major reasons for our backwardness. Nehru after independence had adopted a mix economy design where capitalism and communism would coexist. But it really was a flawed design. It is well said that when an individual fails the whole family fails but when a leader fails the whole nation fails. Later is the case with us.
Socialism means equality for all. But what equality is it talking about. Equality of oppurtuninty? The answer is big no. It talked about equality in terms of our living standards, how much we earn when we grow.
Let us take a simple example of this flawed theory.
Two people are born at the same time. In a socialist society they are to be earning the same amount when they grow up. But in a really democratic society they will get the same opportunities to lead a successful life. But where they will reach once they grow up will depend on there inherent qualities to use these opportunities.
So you see that in a socialist society an individual will not have the inspiration to rise above the rest, by working hard. In short there will be no competition. History is the proof competition is in the blood of any human being and socialism very slowly kills it.
Government of India has been pouring all its reserves to make its loss making PSU running. The tax payers’ hard earned money is being poured down the drain.
But situation did change after the liberalization in 1991.Uptill then there was no competition to these government run bodies. But once the foreign markets opened there was a flood of companies which provided cheaper and better quality then our local industry. And this resulted in competition which ended govt. body’s monopoly.
And there after we await the rising of a new India.
Everyone was intresting in having a gandhian lifestyle.
but i think we really erred in the 70s, when instead of turning capitalist economy, we under indira gandhi wanted garibi hatao socialist thing.
but rajiv gandhi in the late 80s laid the policies for a open economy and narsimha rao followed it.
but a lot of ppl n it should have been a bit earlier. but also tht, india is gonna have one of the highest growth rates innext 20-30 years.